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Intuitive readings are held virtually by Zoom.

Kickstart Your Intuition: Quick Guide

Digital download: This monthly guide comes with simple exercises you can use to sharpen your intuition and get the guidance and insights you need for everyday application. It includes daily exercises, a weekly checklist, prompts for reflection, journal pages and tips for when you might feel stuck.

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Mary’s intuitive coaching is all about learning to work past self-doubt and focus on trusting your own abilities. With one-on-one personalized sessions, Mary helps you to strengthen your sensory perceptions while allowing you the space necessary to learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment.
— Hillary

Fine Print

All communications and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact, and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. I’m legally required to tell you that all services are offered for entertainment purposes only. My services are not a substitute for professional medical services; I do not give medical advice and I am not a certified grief counselor. Always seek advice from a medical professional or qualified expert.