“When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.”

― Kahlil Gibrán
Lebanese poet; self portrait by the author courtesy of Wikipedia

Intuition is Worth Developing

The world’s greatest creators, from ancient Greek architects to innovators like Einstein and artists like Maya Angelou, recognized the power of combining rational thinking with intuitive insight. We use our intellect to find patterns and analyze information. We use our intuition to access deeper insight, creative inspiration and access a greater intelligence.

Together, intellect and intuition are beyond powerful. But we often only train our intellect.

Benefits of developing your intuition:

Keen insight and clarity into situations and relationships.

When you increase your ability to sense accurate information that isn’t available through your five senses alone, you can truly understand the nuances of any situation life may present, which can help guide your way.

Increased confidence in decision-making.

Learning to trust your inner guidance system can help you know the next right thing to do. Learning to count on your intuition will help you navigate life with a deeper intelligence, clarity and confidence.

A boost in creative productivity and pleasure in creating.

The state of mind you’re in when you receive intuitive insight is similar to the state of “flow” we achieve when we’re absorbed in the creative process. Training yourself to achieve this mindset will connect you more fully to creative inspiration, innovation and the sense that creativity flows both from you and through you.

Personal development and a deeper self-knowledge.

Accessing a greater source of wisdom requires self-reflection and inner work. You’ll learn how your experiences and motivations shape who you are and influence who you are and who you want to become.

Improved overall health and well being.

Because intuitive development is rooted in a meditation practice, expect to enjoy the associated benefits. These might include improvements to your physical well being as well as your emotional well-being, leading to a greater sense of inner and outer peace.