When I was in middle school, I started sensing information in the energy around me.

I had some bewildering experiences. I predicted someone’s death in a dream. My grandmother visited me minutes after she passed away. Sometimes I’d sense information or presences I had no way of understanding.

These experiences tapered off as a young adult but came back in full force when I was pregnant. I didn’t know that hormonal changes can heighten your sixth sense. It’s no surprise that adolescence and pregnancy were intense for me.

When I was expecting my second child, these feelings were so intense I decided to start studying intuition, psychic ability, mediumship, and energy science. Not only did I learn to control these experiences (that was my goal), I realized that these abilities are inside everyone. Knowing how to use them properly can be incredibly helpful in navigating everyday life. This stuff isn’t “woo-woo,” it’s a natural part of everyday life. Some people are more sensitive than others, and anyone can strengthen these abilities with “exercise.”

After a decade of study, I’m now able to read and interpret information in the energy around me and, yes, connect with spirits. This gives me insight into events, relationships, situations, and solutions I wouldn't be able to access with five senses alone.

Over years of working with clients, I noticed an important trend: Most people who come to me for answers often don’t need me! They know more about their situations and what they are guided to do than they realize. The just struggle to hear their own inner wisdom. Now I coach others on how to sharpen their own intuition so for practical use in their everyday lives.

A unique approach to intuitive development

My approach is different from many other intuitive practitioners: I believe intuition is an innate survival skill we’ve used for thousands of years, one anyone can access, improve, and apply on a daily basis. When we pair intuitive insight with intellect and information, there’s little we can’t do. 

The people I work with often don’t think of themselves as intuitive, mystical, or sensitive. In fact, my clients are usually everyday individuals who are curious about energy or spirituality, or people who had an unusual experience they want to understand. Some just want a new source of information to help make their lives easier. 

Intentional intuition. Practical application.

Intuition really is a superpower that, like Dorothy’s red shoes in the Wizard of Oz, has been with us all along. We can access it at any time, but many people don’t know or believe it’s there.

I’ve spent more than half a decade working with some of the great intuitive masters out there today — James VanPraagh, Laura Day, and Andy Byng — and I’ve seen the lives of my clients transform. Take a look at some of the benefits of practicing intuition. If you’re curious about learning an empowering way to gain insight, you’re in the right place.

With James VanPraagh, one of my early (and goofiest) intuitive development mentors.

With James VanPraagh, one of my early (and goofiest) intuitive development mentors.

When you combine a strong intuitive ability with your other skills and resources (like experience, education, data and logic) you have a powerful edge, and set of tools to apply to any area of your life.